Content Strategy Services

The right content can make or break your marketing. No one likes going to dinner with someone who talks about how great they are nonstop. Content strategy is no different.

PSA: Copywriting is not the same thing as content strategy.

The strategy part is what makes your content creation efforts align with your business goals and customer needs. Every single piece of content should map back to those needs, otherwise, you could end up with loads of beautifully written copy, that no one sees.

How we can help


01. Content Marketing Strategy

No content strategy truly works without an in-depth look at who your customers are and their pain points — and most importantly, how your brand solves their problems or addresses their wants/needs. It’s not just about running keyword research. We need to identify what’s relevant and meaningful and can help you stand out. But where do you start? Looking at what content you have — if any — and assessing how much engagement and/or traffic it’s driving to your site is a good start. Listening to customer calls, interviewing your employees, and then conducting topical and keyword research to understand search intent (what your prospects are searching for) is critical to make sure your content efforts aren’t a grand waste of time.

That’s where we come in and get a bit OCD here and run a robust site audit to see what you’re ranking for today (if anything at all). Then, we take a look at your competitors (and find new ones you didn’t know about), discover opportunities for you to gain traction, identify content goals, revisit your site architecture and tags, and then come up with the right content blueprint. That means taking what we’ve learned and putting ourselves in the mind of a prospect looking to buy your product or service which can be anything from site copy, video, infographics, podcasts, and more. Our primary goal: help you get there as fast as possible, without having to invest in boatloads of advertising.

02. SEO Content Writing Services

Once you have a keen understanding of your customer, a well-researched SEO strategy is key. But how do you implement it on your site? That’s the tricky part — which is why we offer SEO copywriting services and always suggest an editorial calendar for publishing content. Bottom line: the way you write copy and structure your content matters waaaaay more than you think. If you want to get to the top of relevant search results pages without investing tons in paid search, this is the only way. But the absolute last thing you want is robotic-sounding copy that is forcing random keywords in places they absolutely shouldn’t be. That’s where we come in. We’ve got a ton of SEO copywriting tips to share and we make sure all the technical pieces are covered when you create content for your web pages, including title tags, meta descriptions, image titles, and more. When it comes to writing content that ranks in search engines, leave it to us.

03. Content Partnerships

If you're unknown in your market and/or need to make a splash, sometimes content partnerships with folks who have credibility are the best route. We've worked on some pretty epic partnerships and initiatives with folks like Ad Age, The Economist, CIO, Harvard Business Review, and more.

04. Newsroom Strategies

Our sweet spot is developing standout newsroom strategies (an editorial site presented by your brand). Cartwheel-provoking thought leadership doesn't have to cost a million bucks.​ With the right content calendar, sometimes it can be the shining star of your marketing plan and digital strategy.

05. Content Development

Most of the companies we work with say they appreciate a great strategy, but what they really need are the peeps who can also execute against it. We absolutely adore coming up with types of content that sets you apart and establishes your unique POV,. When it comes From ebooks to blog posts, social media, explainer videos, infographics, landing pages, and more — let’s do something that doesn’t make your prospects want to hit the snooze button. There’s enough of that out there already.

Think of a content strategist as an architect who has to figure out how to build a house.

A blueprint is needed to make sure the house is well thought through and doesn't fall apart. And copywriting is the process of deciding what furniture goes inside each room.

Would you hire an interior decorator to build a house? We think not. Trust us, we've seen firsthand what happens if you just grab a copywriter and assign them a strategy. You might end up with well-written editorial that doesn't resonate with your target audience and/or deviates from its original intent. And that's when the architect throws up their hands and sends you to a different house... the doghouse.

We can help. It's one of our favorite things.